Once your tree have mature and can fit the criteria involving feeding Koala’s in Captivity, and pruning is generally done to fit into the Koalas yearly dietary program.

Pruning is generally done to fit into the Koalas yearly dietary program, before Koala Retreat will offer a free pruning service, a number of minimum points need to be met, please read these below.

limb thickness and length

  1. Branches usually no thicker than 2-3cm
  2. Every branch must be at least 1.5 metres long
  3. Fairly straight in length
  4. Good head of foliage
  5. Leaves must be in good condition. Each branch will show good tip with soft and mature leaves.
  6. Have easy accessibility to tree and branches
  7. Pruning may take a few visits before completion
  8. Must be Koala food tree
  9. Pruning of branches will occur as long as the trees are under 10 metres
  10. KR will contact sponsors before arrival